Senior Sec pt. 13 interconnected interactivity

Part 13?! Are you sick of my blog posting yet?
Is this going to be my unlucky last blog post 13?  

Too bad haha 😉

Anyway, this post is going to be short and sweet, because I made this resource in my initial lesson planning stages, and completely forgot that I had made it. I’m blogging about it now because it’s in the sequence of lesson plans, which I’m editing/finalising at the moment. The resource is an interactive mind-map in which students can collaborate to create shared mind-maps. Here’s what it looks like:

Screen Shot 2016-05-14 at 8.21.56 pm.png

As you can see, all the concepts are not there, and there’s certainly not a lot of examples.

This is because students will fill it out throughout the course, based on their analysis of the set work. They’re gathering examples of analysis that they can look back on as they study for the exam. (Students could even use it as they go through their analysis guidebook that I posted about earlier.) You see that big blue square? It’s got 2 staves of music that I uploaded as an example of how the concepts is used. When you double click on it, people can write comments. You see those coloured dots at the top of each box? That’s the name of the person who added it. So it’s very feedback-y, and interactive, and you can monitor which students are doing the work, which I like.

How did I make it, you ask? I  used this website called Popplet, that hosts these sorts of mind-maps. There is a free and paid version. The free version only lets you make up to 5 Popplets, which is okay for this unit of work, but not great if you want to keep using it for the whole Music 2 HSC course. It’s very user-friendly, with easy to understand tutorials. Just double-click and type. And drag to link. So simple. What’s even better is that it has an export function, to pdf or jpeg, so these mind-maps can be printed out if students want to cram last minute before their exams..
(but they shouldn’t have to cram because my students should be well prepared if i’m their teacher haah)

Almost done! 🙂



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